OK, this one was really worth a break!
(For some reason I'm unable to embed the video here)
Ping pong estremo
Erano anni che non mi divertivo cosÃ!
A Counter-Clockwise Trip Around The World
OK, this one was really worth a break!
(For some reason I'm unable to embed the video here)
Ping pong estremo
Erano anni che non mi divertivo cosÃ!
not working for me.
it seems I miss some codec.
some hints?
Era un mp4 girato di 90 gradi, l'ho reencodato con "mencoder -vf rotate=1 -ovc lavc -oac copy video.mp4 -o video.mpg".
Con il mio mplayer si vede senza problemi. Dovevo forse mantenere .mp4?
Qualche consiglio tu?
i hope you don't want an answer from me...
ti sei ricordato di aggiornare il numero dalla partenza?
It's not working for me as well!!
Aaaaarrggghhh, I want to see the geriatric ping pong!
P.S. Ahahahaha, I see now how your English "succhia"... :-)))
finally I managed to see two very old friends playing table tennis!
To play you need: a baby and grey hair!
Hope to join the turnement at christmas time (although I don´t have any grey hair!)
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